- Description
- Specs
- Labels and SDS Forms
Valagro Axilo Mix 5 (0-0-0) is a chelated mix of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn + Mg + B + Mo that is compatible with a large variety of pesticides and fertilizers. Before using Axilo Mix 5 (0-0-0) within another product conduct a compatibility jar test, especially with phosphorous fertilizers. This product contains Boron, so do not apply near seeds or very young roots.
Valagro Axilo Mix 5 (0-0-0) contains chelated micronutrients for correction of micronutrient deficiencies.
The Axilo line (100% EDTA-chelated) of water-soluble micro-granule micronutrients are characterized by improved plant availability, handling convenience, shelf-life stability, high solubility and tank-mix/low spray volume compatibility compared to other products on the market.
The Axilo line (100% EDTA-chelated) of water-soluble micro-granule micronutrients are characterized by improved plant availability, handling convenience, shelf-life stability, high solubility and tank-mix/low spray volume compatibility compared to other products on the market.
If using this product alone then a non-ionic surfactant should be added to the tank mix. * See label for details.
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