- Description
- Features and Benefits
- Specs
- Labels and SDS Forms
Pageant Intrinsic brand fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide combining two fast-acting active ingredients, boscalid and pyraclostrobin, into one product that offers more control on more diseases than any other currently registered fungicide. In addition to disease control, Pageant Intrinsic also offers plant health benefits. BASF research shows plants treated with Pageant Intrinsic provides improved plant health in the form of stress management. This helps the plant to endure cold, heat, drought and shipping stresses as well as the recovery from these stresses. This research was conducted on petunias, pansies, geraniums and impatiens.
Pageant Intrinsic can be tank-mixed with most recommended fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, liquid fertilizers, biological control products, adjuvants and additives. Adjuvants may improve the performance of Pageant Intrinsic under certain conditions, however, not all combinations of plants and tank mixes have been tested. Before tank-mixing, test the combination on a small portion of the plant to be treated to insure no phytotoxic response will occur. Generally, if the adjuvant or additive doesn’t cause phytotoxicity, then the addition of Pageant Intrinsic will not (test first, though, as not all plants are equal and there may be cultivar sensitivities). Plant health results are not guaranteed and may vary depending on species and cultivar, and not on magnitude of the stress.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT | Pyraclostrobin - 12.8% Boscalid - 25.2% |
TARGET PESTS | Anthracnose, Blossom blight, Crown and basal rot, Downy mildew, Leaf spot, Phytophthora aerial blight, Powdery mildew, rot (blight), Rust, Scab. |
FOR USE IN | Outdoor nurseries, lathhouses and shadehouses, greenhouses, forest and conifer nurseries and plantations, golf courses, residential and commercial landscapes, retail nurseries, interiorscapes and containers (bench, flats, plugs, pots) |
APPLICATION | Use rates: 4-18 oz. per 100 gallons for foliar applications, depending upon the disease being targeted. |
UPC | 8.04338E+11 |
NOT FOR SALE TO | CA, NY (Restricted to Commercial Applicators)) |
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